Fine acquittal of over $200,000

  • Anne-Marie Campeau
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While represented by another law firm, our client was charged and found guilty by default for possession of unstamped tobacco, resulting in fines of over $200,000. She had also tried to submit a request for revocation of judgment to overturn this decision, without success.

Our firm was mandated when our client wanted to appeal the decision refusing her the revocation of the default judgment rendered against her.
The appeal of the revocation of judgment, before the Superior Court, was granted and the case was returned to the Court of Quebec, so that the client could stand trial there.

However, following negotiations, the prosecutors of Revenu Québec, which acted as prosecutor in the file, withdrew the charges against our client, resulting in her acquittal.

Me Anne-Marie Campeau ensured the principal representation of the client before the Superior Court and before the Court of Quebec.

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